078 039 32 782
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind"
William James

Your Well-Being is in Good Hands
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
CBT is recognised by NICE as one of the most effective therapy for general anxiety and depression, but it can effectively help for problems such as OCD, Health Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Eating Disorder, other specific phobias.
How CBT works
CBT is based on the concept that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected. Negative thoughts, maladaptive ways to cope with your situation, resulting in negative feelings and body sensations which can trap you in a vicious cycle. CBT works to show you how to change your negative way of thinking into a more balanced way about your situation and equally respond to the situation in a more adaptive way enabling you to break the vicious cycle which make you feel better.
CBT focuses specifically on the difficulties you are experiencing now, rather than exploring issues from the past. You will learn strategies and skills in coping with your difficulties. Moreover, you can continue practicing these strategies and skills once the therapy finishes, maintaining your sense of wellbeing.
EMDR : Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
EMDR is a form of psychotherapy recognised as an evidence-based treatment by NICE for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) following traumatic and/or stressful experiences. Traumatic experiences can contribute to psychological problems and emotional distress. Traumatic experiences are diverse, these may include war related experiences, road traffic accidents, hospitalisation, working as a front line staff during the COVID-19, being diagnosed with serious illness, experience of having abortion, miscarriages, childhood sexual/emotional/physical abuse.
EMDR is also used to treat specific phobias and performance anxiety.
Todate millions of people have been helped in relieving their psychological and emotional distress with EMDR. To read more: https://emdrassociation.org.uk
Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT)
Some clients would like to work on difficulties they often encounter in relationships with others, be it with family, friends, colleagues and closed ones, struggling forming and maintaining good relationships. Difficulty in interpersonal relationships can affect your moods, your sense of well being, unable to form or maintain an intimate relationship, losing hope in finding a partner.
How can Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) help?
DIT is a short-term psychodynamic therapy (usually 16-24 sessions). Psychodynamic therapy advocates that our experiences in the past e.g. in our childhood, affect the way we think, and behave in the present.
Therapy will help them to recognise their unhelpful automatic thoughts and reactions/impulses, and reorient themselves not to automatically follow the unhelpful pattern of thinking about themselves and others, hence improve their relationships, being able to explore emotional intimacy, improving your moods and sense of well-being.
Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
What is MBCT?
Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy is an integration between Mindfulness and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Mindfulness which has its roots in the Buddhist tradition of meditation is defined as Present moment Awareness (e.g. of one’s own thoughts, emotions, body sensations and the surroundings). Having Present Moment Awareness means we notice when the mind is going into the past (eg ruminating about the past which exacerbates low moods), we acknowledge it and bring the mind to the present moment, therefore we don’t get sucked into the vicious cycle of depression.
Mindfulness based interventions such as MBCT can help to prevent relapse of depression, overcome difficulty living with long term physical health conditions. It is also suitable to overcome anxiety, panic attacks, stress, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). MBCT has been recommended by NICE for Preventing Relapse of Depression since 2004 . Research on MBCT show that MBCT is as good as antidepressant in preventing relapse of depression.
Further research show that Mindfulness can help clients to live with physical problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Cancer.